The kitchen is a pretty violent place if you're a vegetable. But Honig is here to bring peace. Creative agency DDB wrote the idea for the Kraft Heinz owned barnd. They brought it to Chuck Studios for maximum taste appeal and.....a battle of the flavours!
the approach
A dramatic story unfolds....fooddirector Olaf van Gerwen puts his best foot forward for en epic kitchen battle. We used tropes from heroic battle scenes, spaghettis western shootouts and underwater war scenes to depict the battle. We used dramatic, contasty lighting to underline the tension. Our favorite shot is the tomatoe being knifed and little droplet taht follow. Or is it the garlic press that looks like a torture device? When the new Honig Herb Blend is introduced to bring a resolution, music, lighting and mood changes and the smoke clears. A beautiful dish emerges and great food was had by all!