zaanse mayonaise Archives - chuck studios

just as good as homemade

A chaotic mayo food film for mayonnaise and sauce lovers

Homemade mayo? Sounds great in theory, a bit less so in practice. Here’s how it goes. You start confident and excited, because the end result looks awesome. And if the YouTube guy nailed it, why wouldn’t you, right? Some steps go wrong here and there until the recipe is no longer ‘fixable’. But fear not, a tube of Zaanse Mayo saves the day.

The brief was to capture the process of trying a homemade mayo recipe in a cinematic and lighthearted way. Kristy Snell directed a fun and relatable journey where things don’t go quite as expected. The Phantom camera was used to capture high speed shots. Cool rigs such as a big ass whisk rigged to the camera were part of this production.

What do we do if all the mayo tubes are dented? Hit the tube against the table! And voilà the tube is flattened. This was a nice trick we learned on set. The client was excited as it was the first time for Zaanse Mayonnaise at a film studio and their first time on TV. It was enjoyable to guide them through the process together with The Family.

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