Our strategic and creative teams are connected and ready to go, so there are many things that we can still do. We would love to join in on conversations about communication strategies relevant to this moment in time.
shooting – we exchange people for time
With the right preparation and a skeleton crew of 3 to 5 people that follow strict safety measures, we can shoot pretty much anything. Our studios in Amsterdam have everything in-house. The props room is stocked and every camera, lens or lamp is there so we hardly need suppliers. An easy to use live streaming platform is in place to stream the shoot feed in HD to your home over Skype or similar. It allows for full-duplex speech for input and feedback. Shooting may take a bit more time, but time we have.
The team is set up and ready to work from home. Platforms like FrameIO help us to collect feedback in a user-friendly manner. Chuck Studios follows recommendations given by the appropriate bodies.
The wellbeing of employees, crew and clients are our first concern. But thankfully, there’s still a lot we can do to make your food famous.
Please reach out to your local partner via chuckstudios.com/contact