Free Work
Photography & art direction: Kristy Snell
Retouching: Tristen Mackenzie
Set dressing: Jantien de Wilde
Production: Chuck Studios
Comment: Kristy Snell, photographer and art director: ‘I love colour. It is a key element in all my work. This image is the outcome of a creative experiment with different tones of red, composition and lighting.’
Free Work
Photography & art direction: Kristy Snell
Retouching: Tristen Mackenzie
Production: Chuck Studios
Comment: Kristy Snell, photographer and art director: ‘I want my images to tell a story. It should be more than just an image of a tasty dish. I want to provoke a reaction when people see my work. This turns the image into something more than the subject that I photograph.’
Agency: Dawn
Photography: Erik de Koning
producer: Kiek Beljaars
Creative director: Ward Graumans
Designer: Reza Harek
Photography assistent: Timo Steenvoorden
Retouching: Tristen Mackenzie
Production: Chuck Studios
Comment Erik de Koning, photographer: ‘Beer is always a lovely challenge. A good shot of beer requires dynamics, freshness, depth and a gorgeous backlight shining through. Every glass needs a different approach. The drops on the glass are essential since they add freshness, but they should only be on the beer, not on the foam. Making people thirsty is not enough for me. I want to surprise them with a powerful and unique image.’
Piazza d’Oro
Agency: Inzicht Communicatie
Photography: Erik de Koning
Art direction: Martin de Rooij
Set dresser: Jan Willem van Riel
Coffee stylist: Cor Meijerink
Retouching: Patrick de Bas
Production: Chuck Studios
Comment Erik de Koning, photographer: ‘In images like this it’s really all about the details. Together with the art director, the set dresser and the food stylist you slowly work towards the end result. With lighting you create a mood, enhance the different textures and make the product stand out. It’s a game of portraying the product in the best possible way.’
Royal Club
Agency: MullenLowe Alfred
Art director: Luuk van de Put
Photographer: Floris Holtland
Propsmaster/sfx: Bram van de Ven
Retoucher: André Westerveld
Production: Chuck Studios
Comment Floris Holtland, photographer: ‘This was quite a technical shoot where it really came down to good communication within the team. We used a custom made slide to launch the tonic and the different elements like the grapefruit and the ice cubes. This enabled us to shoot all the elements separately and bring them together in post. Having the retoucher on set during the shoot made the postproduction as smooth as possible.’
Pitch Miratorg
Photographer: Floris Holtland
Setdresser: Giel Schuijt
Foodstyling: Claartje Lindhout
Production: Chuck Studios
Comment Floris Holtland, photographer: ‘This image was part of a pitch for Miratorg, a Russian food brand. Aside from making their product look delicious and crispy, I wanted to add the ambiance of a real home while shooting in a studio. The window and greenery adds depth and naturalism. For a shoot like this a good food stylist and set dresser are essential. Just like the grilled lemon and garlic by the way…’